Our Anti-Cancer diet

With D's mom recovering from her most recent surgery, we have been thinking a lot about cancer and genetics. If it is true that cancer is something that is passed down genetically, it's pretty likely that D will get it, considering his family history. I read the book "Anti-Cancer" recently, which - although not necessarily the best book ever - had some interesting content.

Mainly it discussed a diet that the author believed could help in preventing cancer, especially if one is genetically predisposed to get it. It's based on the idea that a lot of the foods we eat in the world today have weird, manufactured ingredients that encourage cells to grow abnormally quickly, and if one of those cells happen to be a cancer cell, all of a sudden you have cancer.

So, we're trying to adopt this diet. I should say, we are trying to do about a 50% change (completely changing our diet would be nearly impossible.) There are a number of things that the book recommended that we have already incorporated into our diet, and some that we will be working towards.

For example, we are trying to eat only multi-grain, bakery fresh, bread. This means, no preservatives and the multi-grain is key. Anything with "enriched" flour is a no go. Whole or multi-grain flour is key. But even off-the-shelf bread products have to have preservatives in them, which makes them less natural even if they are whole grain or multi-grain. The bread is change is both the most challenging and easiest at the same time. It's challenging because bakery fresh bread has a short shelf-life - it goes stale quickly. Which means we have to eat a lot of bread! But, at the same time, I actually LOVE the taste of the multi-grain tuscany bread that we've been getting. It's so flavorful and has sunflower seeds baked right in! Love it!!!

Anyway, some of the other key changes we've made:
- Eliminate hydrogenated oils from all foods that we eat at home (this is HARD)
- Hydro-free butter/margarine
- Raw spinch for salads instead of lettuce (lettuce isn't BAD, it's just not "the best")
- Scrubbing all fruit before eating, or not eating the skin (pesticides DO cause cancer - wash your fruit!)
- Multi-grain pasta - we've found that the Ronzini brand is the best
- More vegetables. Period. This is hard, considering that I hate vegetables, but I'm going to try my hardest.

There are a lot of other things that we're going to try to incorporate over the next few months. I definitely can tell a different already, even after just a few weeks. All of this fiber and grain is more difficult to digest than the normally over-processed foods that I used to eat, and my digestive track has definitely noticed.
Enough said, right?


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