I officially have only 8 weeks to go, and let's hope that it's ONLY 8 weeks left to go, and not 9 or 10 or even more...
This little guy now weighs nearly 4 pounds. 4 pounds sounds like SOOO much.
Don't you agree that it looks a lot bigger when it's not behind clothing? Clothing is clearly more flattering than no clothing, but man.. when it's hot out, it's hard to want to cover that thing up!!!
My feet and ankles now swell like an inflated balloon if I stand for more than hour, wear shoes that are even remotely snug, and sometimes even if I'm just sitting there. Swollen feet are hella ugly, and I hate them, but the Google machine tells me that there's not a whole lot that I can do other than to keep my circulation going and to drink more water. Ugh...
I started experiencing Braxton-Hicks contractions recently. My stomach gets hard and tight for short periods of time, and the it relaxes. It's totally not painful but somewhat uncomfortable since I feel like a sharp jab would cause me to pop.
But then I started feeling cramps as well. Oh my... cramps I do not like. I never used to get cramps, and man, do I hate them. Yesterday I felt "crampy" for nearly the entire day. I had a hard time focusing at work and sort of felt nauseous for much of the day. It subsided by about 4 p.m., which was nice, but I hope these cramps don't become a regular occurrence.
I also had another migraine this week - I'm pretty sure it's only the 2nd or 3rd (it's probably good that I can't remember, right?) migraine that I've had during this pregnancy, so that's amazing, considering that I got through the spring and allergy season without any major problems. I'm going to continue to try to minimize the sodium that I ingest with hopes that will help ward off any other headaches. And besides, sodium isn't really good for anyone, right?
This last picture really exemplifies the basketball size of my abdomen. Bye bye, waistline! Bye bye, belly button! Look at how round and huge!! Oh my... I will say this a thousand more times between now and D-day, but I seriously cannot believe that I have 8 more weeks to go and I'm going to come out of this ordeal alive. Oi....
Oh my goodness!!! Look at you!!! You're looking great!
You look awesome! Pregnancy seems to be fitting you well. Look forward to your updates!
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