I Wish Everyday Was G-20 Day

The city and media has effectively scared all residents and employees into staying in their homes.  Traffic this morning was AMAZING.  I wish every day were G-20 day if it meant that my commute would be as easy-breezy as it was today.  So much of my stress and anxiety would be eliminated!

I woke up at 5:15 a.m. (ok... I actually set my alarm for 5:15 but work up around 5:35 a.m.) so that I could turn on the morning news to see what the traffic reports were like.  There is a particular blond newscaster (I won't name names) on the local news channel that I generally watch that I do not like at all.  She makes random comments that make her seem unintelligent, and today was no exception when she said, "I'm sure that traffic is just a mess; let's check in with Traffic."  Traffic then reported than everything was great and amazing and that there were no back-ups or delays or accidents or anything and that all roadways were essentially clear.  Stupid.

Anyway, I was thrilled to hear that my commute wouldn't be a problem, but I was already up and showered, and decided that it woudn't be worth it to go back to sleep.  So, I just took my time getting ready, and left around the same time that I usually do to get here at 8:15, and yet I got here at 7:45 instead.

Today is day 2 of 3 days of campus monitoring, and my second day in a row where I have to work a 12 hour shift.  I should be able to leave here at 8 p.m. and I have to be back here by 7 a.m. tomorrow morning.  I will be glad when this week is over (minus the great traffic perk) since this kind of schedule leaves me exhausted.

My weight loss plan is essentially non-existent this week, and I'm ok with that.  Last night at ate seasoned waffle fries and they were amazing!  Totally worth the guilt.

I'll post an update later today if there is anything to tell!


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